Podcasting in Grade 8 Literacy – Share a Good Book!

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international_literacy_daySeptember 9, 2013 is International Literacy Day!

I subscribe to a Podcast on iTunes called “Text Messages” created by the International Reading Association and posted on the ReadWriteThink website. I love staying current with new young adult books and authors. This has me thinking: why not ask our students to create their own podcast about books that they enjoy?

That is precisely what we are going to do in our Grade 8 English class over the next week.

Learning Goals – At the end of this project I will be able to:

1. Create a story summary that includes all of the key information in a brief paragraph.

2. Record an engaging Podcast for an audience of peers.

To keep track of this assignment, use the following Google Doc and record your progress.

1. To begin, we all need to figure out what a podcast is. Check out the following links and record (in your red writer’s journal) what you require to create a podcast:




2. Choose a book that has resonated with you. A book that you could not put down. A book that you think others should read. A book that you were anxiously awaiting the sequel to be published. A book that made you feel sad when you had finished reading it. Record the Title and Author of the book on our google doc spreadsheet:

3. Listen to the most recent podcast on “Text Messages”: http://www.readwritethink.org/parent-afterschool-resources/podcast-episodes/international-books-teens-31028.html as an exemplar for a good podcast. Our podcasts will be much shorter – 2 minutes in duration.

4. Create a rough draft of what you intend to say using the 8C Sample Podcasting Script

5. Jazz-up your podcast with music and songs. This will help you source it out.Podcasting Music and Sounds

My rough podcast script can be found by clicking here.



Self Assessment – please fill in the form by clicking on the link when you are finished your project.

Rubric – Check out the assessment criteria that I am thinking about. In class, we will edit (delete and add to) the rubric to make sure we are all on the same page. podcast rubric





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